Gallery Displays

March 03, 2019  •  2 Comments

This will be a live and constantly changing blog that will have the links to each exhibition any of my own photos, or any that falls under the Reagle Photography umbrella, that has been shown anywhere either by GuruShots or any other Website, Magazine or Gallery.

These will be displayed from the oldest one on top (so it makes it harder to not see them), to the most recent one at the bottom of this page. 

So far, my photos have traveled for display to 22 cities within 16 different countries in 5 continents, plus 1 self published Photo Comic-Book and 4 international Photography magazines, 1 newspaper and 1 USA based TV channel. 

Here we go:

Books and Publications:

Self published:

Clownun: Birth

The story of a sheltered woman born in anonymity and raised in a convent, without ever having real access to the outside world, living a life of full commitment to the word of God as she knew it. Accidentally receiving a letter, not intended for her, that challenged her into finding doubt and questioning her beliefs, changing her thought process, behavior and identity forever.

This is my very first book project, where I created the concept, wrote the story and managed the entire process, from casting to lighting, photographing, editing and converting these photos into a comic book. You can join the readers from countries as diverse as Canada, the US and Japan, by getting your own copy via


Television Displays:

1- Your Best Shot for TV! Challenge

STGN-49 is an over the air broadcasting station located Gainesville, Georgia USA. Their audience consists of over ten million viewers throughout the United States, Canada, and in over 22 countries. It is accessible throughout the world through Dish Satellite TV, Direct TV, Comcast, and live broadcast at

- Top 30 Members were included in a slideshow video to be broadcast on STGN Global network! Here's the link to the You Tube Video copy of what was displayed in that network. You can see my photo by either skipping to 1:15 or watching the entire video.


Magazine Displays:

1- Photos that make you Happy photo challenge, Dodho Magazine

GuruShots, "The World's Greatest Photo Game" ran a series of challenges titled "Your Best photo". There were more than 300,000 photos and more than 150 million votes cast in those three challenges. I ranked in the top 100 winners for the second challenge, at number 59.

You can checkout the Online Magazine or go straight to my top 100 ranked photo by following this link.


2- Photos Fit for a Magazine Challenge, Digital Photographer Magazine

GuruShots gave me a shot to be Published in Digital Photographer Magazine! An Internationally distributed magazine that is read by tens of thousands of photographers, based in England.

The challenge was open-themed and gives me a chance to have my photo printed and displayed in a highly acclaimed photography magazine read by tens of thousands of photographers worldwide!

You can see my photo via this link or by getting a copy of the issue 214 of the Digital Photographer Magazine and skipping all the way to page 81.


3- Your Favorite Photo challenge, Dodho Magazine (in lieu of appearance on Creative Light Magazine)

I was surprised to receive this message "Due to the technical issues, your photo was published in Dodho magazine instead of the Creative Light magazine." in September, after a challenge that ended in February, but still, nonetheless excited and proud to be featured on a magazine dedicated to the world of photography as an art form. 

Find my Butterfly photo under the Landscapes category (Yeah, I know), by following this Link


4- Photography is Art challenge, Digital Camera World Magazine

The Art of Photography is all about conveying an idea or emotions through a captured moment. Show us your best shots that you feel follow these lines. That being said, it is most humbling to be selected for an international magazine display, with the company of other 101 photographers out of more than 34,000 photographers worldwide. 

As always, you can see the magazine article by clicking here (I'm number 66 on the slideshow) or you can see my photo directly by clicking here instead. 


5- Attention to Details challenge, Digital Camera World Magazine

Digital Camera World Magazine teamed up with online photo game GuruShots to showcase the winning images from the 'Attention to Details' challenge. This challenge was all about exploring the tiny details around us. Get up close and personal with those macro shots, close-ups and of course, incredible textures!

You can see the magazine article by clicking here. This time I'm number 20 on the slideshow, or you can buy the magazine and see my photo on the bottom right corner of page 66 on the printed version. You can also just go to see the photo directly by clicking here.


Gallery Displays:

In Person: 

April 2016, displayed at Miami Art Works gallery for their 6th Miami Loco Arts Festival, located in the arts district of Historic Miami, Arizona.

September 2018, displayed at The Pressroom for "RAW: Phoenix Presents Connect", in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. 

January 2019, displayed at The House of Blues for "RAW: San Diego Presents Reflect" in downtown San Diego, California. 

February 2019, displayed at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino for the 2019 WPPI Photography convention (also shown below at number 13) in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Not In Person:

1- Centered Challenge, Thessaloniki, Greece. (1-1)

For this challenge, the idea was to use the object or subject in the center of your photo. We could use Color or B&W.

The winning and chosen images appeared at Thessaloniki International Art Fair in Greece. 

18.5M Votes, 45.8 K Photos from 102 Countries.

My displayed image, and all the other ones selected for digital display.


2- Borders Challenge, Strasbourg, France. (2-1)

The definition of a border is the part or edge of a surface/area which forms its outer boundary. We are aware of natural borders as opposed to country artificial ones: the border of a frame, crossing borders, framing or sub framing your single shot. Much is said about the topic, so if it is a physical or virtual one, we needed to show them our thoughts and shots on the topic!

This was our chance to get featured at the Rendez-vous Image located in Strasbourg, France.

13.7M Votes, 50K Photos from 76 Countries.

My displayed image, and all the other ones also digitally displayed.


3- Art of Photography Challenge, Cape Town, South Africa. (2-2)

Unlike other genres of photography, Artistic photography is all about conveying an idea with a premeditated thought evoking the viewer to a contemplate on the matter. These usually involve an interference with reality, either before taking the photo by staging the scene or after the fact.
This was our chance to get featured at the ORMS School of Photography located at Cape Town, South Africa.

24.4M Votes, 74K Photos from 85 Countries.

My displayed image, and all the other ones also digitally displayed.


4- Night Life Challenge, Belgrade, Serbia. (3-1)

For this Exhibition they were looking for images that convey the different aspects of Night Life. It could be bright city lights, people at a club or groups having fun in the evening. 

The winning and chosen images appeared at the cult location NEW MOMENT Gallery located at Belgrade, Serbia.

12.5M Votes, 85K Photos from 87 Countries.

My displayed image, and all the other ones also digitally displayed.


5- Solo Subjects Challenge, Vienna, Austria. (4-1)

This challenge was all about having one element in our photos. Since we only have one subject, composition played a key role in making our photo stand out. Our photos could be either in color or b&w depending on what we thought completed our subject.
My photo would have being hung at the exquisite gallery HINTERLAND located at the heart of Vienna, Austria. Instead, I was only selected for digital display.

33.8M Votes, 159K Photos from 92 Countries.

My displayed image, and again all the other ones digitally displayed.


6- Creative Composition Challenge, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (5-1)

Composition is the key to photography. Sure there are several rules of composition but sometimes you just have to break the rules in the name of creativity.

This was my chance to get featured in the QLICK photography gallery in the heart of Amsterdam, where talented artists show their fresh, innovative view of the world.

17.2M Votes, 31k Photos from 92 Countries.

Here's the link to my displayed image, and all the other ones also digitally displayed.


7- Mostly white Challenge, London, England. (6-1)

This was the chance to get featured in the 5th Base Gallery, located at the upcoming art scene on Brick Lane in East London. 

The Exhibition happened between Thursday, August 30th, at 7 PM, and lasted for 3 days.  In this challenge we submitted photographs which are mostly white.

28M Votes, 31K Photos from 92 Countries.

Again, here's my displayed image and the rest of the digital display.


8- My Favorite Shots Challenge, Barcelona, Spain. (7-1)

This challenge was all about our favorite shots! If you're anything like the challenge host, your favorite image will change quite often. We had to show our current favorite shots. This was a chance to get my favorite shot at the time exhibited and viewed in an amazing hip gallery!
The selected photos will be displayed at the Valid World Hall Gallery, located in the heart of Barcelona, Spain.

46M Votes, 177K Photos from 88 Countries.

Back then, this was my favorite and was selected for digital display, and also here's the rest of the digital display.


9- Tell a Story Challenge, Tel-Aviv, Israel. (8-3)

In this challenge, they were looking for photos that tell a story and communicate with the viewer. 

This challenge is your chance to appear at the PHOTO IS:REAL International Photography Festival taking place in Tel Aviv, Israel. The event took place in November 2018 for the sixth time, and has long become an art institution that draws tens of thousands of visitors each year. The festival features works by more than 250 prominent international photographers. 

28M Votes, 108K Photos from 87 Countries.

This display was very special for a few reasons. This became my 4th continent in which I have been displayed, and my selected photo definitely told a very personal story, between my wife and her dad. Here are the other photos that were also digitally displayed.


10- Fascinating Lighting Challenge, Belgrade, Serbia. (3-1)

Different lights can lead to dramatic effects within the same frame. Try highlighting the subject with a small or single source like a street lamp, candle or strobe.

This time the selected images appeared at the cult location NEW MOMENT Gallery located at Belgrade, Serbia.

68.7M Votes, 202.6K Photos from 92 Countries.

What made this special, besides being my 10th time being displayed, was that the photo I submitted that was selected for digital display is the very first photo I took with a professional level DSLR camera, a Nikon D3200 I borrowed from a friend I had just made that same day, Derek Kanaswood, from Page, AZ, who was instrumental in the creation of this image. Here's the rest of the digital display.


11- Solo - Single Subjects Challenge, Barcelona, Spain. (7-1)

172K Photos entered, representing photographers in 91 Countries.

This challenge was all about having one subject/element in our photos. Since I only have one subject, composition played a key role in making my photo stand out.

The selected photos were displayed at the Valid World Hall Gallery, located in the heart of Barcelona, Spain from January 25th until the 27th, 2019.

62.7M Votes, 172K Photos from 91 Countries.

Here's the link to my digital display, and all the other ones that were also selected for digital display.


12- My Favorite Shots Challenge, The Hague, Netherlands. (5-1)

GuruShots and Xpozer partnered up to Exhibit our work! Photos are meant to be seen large and in real life so this challenge was an open-themed chance at having our photos showcased in the super trendy Cabellero Fabriek in The Hague, Netherlands.

89M Votes, 470K Photos from 88 Countries.

My photo again didn't make it to print, but was selected for digital display. Here are the other photos also digitally displayed.


13- Exhibition Shot Challenge, Las Vegas, USA. (9-4)

This was an open themed challenge!

This shot was exhibited at the WPPI Exposition which took place at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas in partnership with B&H Photo!

This challenge was all about showing our best shots and appearing in front of tens of thousands of Photographers & Industry members.

51.5M Votes, 347K Photos from 89 Countries.

The photos were printed LIVE at the event and those in attendance were able to get a copy of their own. Here I was finally selected for Print Display. Here's my photo, that was entered under my wife's name and profile, as we had both worked together to make this image. The other images are available to be seen here.


14- Art of Photography Challenge, Barcelona, Spain. (7-1)

The Art of Photography is all about conveying an idea or emotions through a captured moment. 

The selected photos were to be displayed at the Valid World Hall Gallery, located in the heart of Barcelona, Spain.

92M Votes, 557K Photos from 88 Countries.

My selected photo is available here, and the other digital ones here.


15- 2018 Photographer of The Year! Challenge, Athens, Greece. (1-1)

This challenge is all about showing your best work for a chance to get Exhibited in our "Photographer of The Year" Exhibit!

The exhibition will take place at the Blank Wall photography gallery in the heart of Athens, Greece. The gallery prides itself on hosting contemporary photography from emerging and established photographers worldwide!

82M Votes, 460K Photos from 89 Countries.

This time I was again selected for digital display. Here you can find the rest of the digital display.


16- Beautiful Imperfections Challenge, Vienna, Austria. (4-1)

We're heading back to the city of some of the world's greatest and most creative minds, art, architecture and endless culture, Vienna. 

In this challenge, we showcased our interpretation of anything beautifully imperfect and had it displayed at the exquisite HINTERLAND gallery, located at the heart of Vienna, Austria.

The exhibition opened on March 28th, 2019

Here's the link to my displayed photo.


17- Minimalism Challenge, Milan, Italy. (10-1)

Exhibited at The highly prestigious International MIA Photo Fair, taking place at Piazza Lina Bo Bardi in Milan at March 21st - 25th

This challenge was all about conveying Minimalism, keeping the focus on minimum components possible while creating the Drama (the tension) within the frame. 

55.4M Votes, 121K Photos from 91 Countries.

My displayed photo was also accompanied by this photo of one of my greatest friends and most beautiful women I know.


18- Powerful Composition Challenge, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (5-1)

Photos that suck viewers in and are simply way too amazing to stay on your camera or computer. The photos with something to say that deserves to been seen large and on the wall of the Xpozer Gallery in Amsterdam’s arty Spiegelkwartier district from April 12 - 14, 2019.

342k images from photographers of 91 different countries were entered.

Here's the link to my selected photo.


19- Centered Challenge, Berlin, Germany. (11-1)

The idea was to use the object or subject in the center of the photo. Symmetry, Focus or simply in the center could work. The selected photos appeared at the cult location Berlin Blue Art Gallery, located at the heart of Berlin!

Maggie, from Liberty Wildlife in Phoeniz, AZ, was the selected photo displayed that you can see here, or the one by my beautiful wife here. 


20- Monochrome Challenge, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (12-1) 

Monochrome is the exploration of one color, the examination of values changing across a surface, emphasis will be in texture and nuance. From geometric precision to expressionism, it's amazing how far this limited range of values and color can take you. 

The gallery prides itself on displaying emerging and established artists from the Slovenian region. The Exhibition is open from May 10th-12th.

Here's the link to my selected photo.


21- Mostly Black Challenge, Berlin, Germany. (11-1)

The subject could be anything: portrait, still life, or an animal. The challenge was to have the photograph be mostly black and still with an interesting subject to explore and an emotional reason behind the choice of a dark background to be showcased on an exhibition at BBA (Berlin Blue Art) gallery located in Berlin, Germany

Here's the link to my selected photo.

22- Your Favorite Shot! Challenge, Athens Greece. (1-1)

The gallery prides itself on hosting contemporary photography from emerging and established photographers worldwide!

The challenge was open-themed and gave them a chance to search for their favorite shot from between all the submissions to be displayed and exhibited at the Blank Wall Photography Gallery in the heart of Athens, Greece

The Exhibition opened on May 31st until June 2nd, 2019.

Here's once again the link to my selected photo


23- Double Exhibition, Architecture Challenge and 24- Your Exhibition Shot challenge, Barcelona, Spain. (7-1)

It was all about your impression of architecture. Whether it is a single detail, a grand monumental building or a romantic street in your home town, with or without people, color or Black & white. Additionally, on this double exhibition GuruShots monthly Open Call for Your Exhibition Shot! a chance to give our best and most original photos.

The Exhibition was open with a festive double opening event-Friday, June 7th on Barcelona, Spain at the Valid World Hall.

Here's the link to my selected photo for Architecture and here's the link to my other photo displayed at the Your Exhibition Shot part of it.


25- Double Exhibition, Memorable Portraits and  26- Your Favorite Shot! challenges, Venice, Italy. (10-1)

A good portrait is about capturing a person's personality, conveying a very real essence of your subject, and possibly personal environment. 

The exhibition was to take place at the Palazzo ca’ Zanardi during the Venice Biennale, from June 14th through 16th, 2019.

Once again, here's the link to my Portrait displayed photo and here's My Favorite Shot displayed photo.


27- Your Exhibition Shot open theme challenge, Athens, Greece. (1-1)

GuruShots monthly Open Call for Your Exhibition Shot! a chance to give our best and most original photos that were displayed and exhibited at the Blank Wall Photography Gallery in the heart of Athens, Greece, from July 12-14, 2019. 

62 million votes, 255 thousand photos from photographers from 88 countries.

Here's the link to my selected photo.


28- Beautiful Imperfections photo challenge, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (5-1)

The Japanese call it Wabi - Sabi, A beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete". These aesthetics included images of asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, and appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural objects and processes.  

The exhibition took place at the Qlick gallery in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from July 26th until July 28th.

If you'd like to see my Wabi - Sabi photo just follow this link.


29- Street Photography photo challenge, Sofia, Bulgaria. (13-1)

If its a glimpse at a scene no one else noticed, unintended magical moments in a crowded street, or that same old scene we have just rediscovered.

The exhibition was hosted at the Photosynthesis Gallery, a photography center in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria from Aug 1st through Aug 3rd, 2019.

118k photos were submitted, representing 98 countries. My displayed photo is this one.


30- My Favorite Shot challenge, Vienna, Austria. (4-1)

We all have that one photo that is dear to us, the one we just know should get a place of respect in a gallery and be appreciated by another photo enthusiasts

The exhibition was to take place at the BBA Gallery in Berlin, a Contemporary art gallery with a focus on promising emerging artists and a long time partner GuruShots exhibitions. The Exhibition will open September 6th -8th.

Once again, I submitted a photo that was not yet displayed anywhere else. You can see it here.


31- Dramatic B&W Challenge and 32- Less is More, a minimalist photo Challenge, Melbourne, Australia. (14-5)

Dramatic B&W, cinematic, timeless images, objects in the fog or high contrast scenes, take off your gloves, polish your photo editing tools and show us all of the drama you have. Black and white can bring out emotions more strongly than color by removing distractions.

Less is More, this challenge was all about creating as much drama as possible while using as few components/elements as you can - use of negative space to emphasize drama.

This was a shot to exhibit at the Laurent Gallery in the artsy part of Melbourne Australia on September 20th - 22nd. To see the image I selected to be displayed, follow this link for the B&W and, for the Less is More challenge, use this link.


33- Solo - Single Subject challenge, Lubljana, Slovenia. (12-1)

Solo doesn't mean alone. Challenge was about taking a single subject shot, then balancing it within the frame, use the golden rule, centering it or spotlighting it. The story had to revolve around it, creating a tension within the frame. The subject could be in the foreground or in the distance, in Black & White, or in color. 

The exhibition will take place at the Ranikar gallery, in the heart of beautiful Ljubljana. Opening event September 27th until September 29th.

I personally went simple for this challenge, with one of the first photos I really liked that I took with my then new Nikon D500. To see my photo, just click here.


34- Amazing Architecture challenge, Budapest, Hungary. (15-1)

From Bauhaus to International and all the way to postmodernist style, If choosing your favorite architectural style is a challenge, Photographing it is an entirely different and new challenge.

It's not the regular snapshot they were looking for, It was a photo that would convey the standing of the building or monument in space, show its special details or lines.

Gurushots participated with the Amazing Architecture exhibition at the ART MARKET BUDAPEST. Taking place October 3rd - 6th 2019

This year's ART PHOTO section was be dedicated to 100 YEARS of Bauhaus. Art photo Budapest is the only international photography fair in Central and Eastern Europe.

Follow this link to see my featured photo, taken in San Francisco, California. 


35- Mostly White challenge, Berlin, Germany. (11-1)

Since Kazimir Malevich The Russian painter presented his “White on White” acrylic on Canvas painting introducing this bright new idea to the world, and finally bringing it to Berlin in 1927, the buzz and controversy around “White on White” never ceased.

GuruShots found it only appropriate to return to Berlin with a mostly white exhibition and check the theme in the Photography field. If it is a relatively small subject on a vast white background, a fluffy texture that leaves you with a white feeling or an overexposed shot, it was entirely our shot!

The exhibition did take place at the BBA Gallery in Berlin, Opening October 25th -27th

You can find my photo by following this link. That photo was taken at 


36-37- Dramatic Lighting challenge and People in the City Challenge, Barcelona, Spain. (7-1)

Dramatic Lighting, Using any one light source you can, create high contrast and dramatic atmosphere that makes your subject pop out! Focusing on drama and atmosphere was the objective in this challenge.

People in the City, Think back to that stunning photo you shot of those people after a wild night, early morning commutes or just a passing moment. This challenge is all about people in urban space.

The exhibition went from November 1-3 at the World Valid Hall Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.

You can once again, find my photos by clicking here or here.

38- Artistic Photography challenge, Thessaloniki, Greece. (1-1)

Whether it's a double exposure or overlays in Photoshop, speed pan shot or Tableau Vivant, the result should be more than what you capture in nature, the result should be artistically spectacular!

The exhibition was be part of the Thessaloniki art fair, and was seen by thousands of visitors daily! Opening November 21 - 24th Helexpo - Thessaloniki, Greece

My exhibited photo can be seen here.


39- Our Amazing Planet challenge, Tel-Aviv, Israel. (8-3)

The most amazing take on our planet, whether it's the depths of the ocean, The snow-white peak of a mountain, or the burning forests of the Amazon. 

The Annual Israeli Photography Convention was founded in 2008 and has been inspiring professional photographers and photography enthusiasts ever since. It is the main event of Israeli photography community and one of the largest photography conventions in the world. It returns to the Culture Hall of Tel-Aviv for the 11th time on November 26th 2019, offering its 2500 participants fascinating talks of award-winning photographers from all around the globe.

And, to see which one of my photos was exhibited, just click here.


40- Mostly Black challenge, Athens, Greece. (1-1)

This open theme challenge is focused on the use of chiaroscuro (sharp contrast of light and dark). Focused on a deep, dark and dramatic background. This could be a portrait, a street photo taken at night, or even a simple bowl of fruit, complemented by a striking use of light.

The exhibition took place in the BLANK WALL gallery, Athens, Greece, December 13 - 15, 2019.

My 40th exhibition selected photo was this one.


41-42- Solo - Single Subject and Powerful Composition Challenge, Melbourne, Australia (14-5)

Time to test our creativity in the ‘Solo’ subject exhibition challenge! From the impactful simplicity of a single subject in the dark to the lonely person walking down the street, time to shine with singular subjects!
Displayed live for thousands to see! This double Exhibition was held in the fabulous Laurent Gallery in Melbourne, Australia, January 17 - 19.

The selected photo, out of the 4 I submitted, is visible via this link for my Single Subject and this link for the Powerful Composition one. 


43- Story Telling Challenge, Vienna, Austria. (4-1)

What is it that makes a great story? Is it the suspense, the thrill, or perhaps the romance that has the power to transform a moment into a memory. This was a chance to tap into this most ancient of practices to share an incredible story with the world! Jan 23rd - and until the 25th at the Hinterland gallery in Vienna, Austria

The photo that was selected to tell my story was this one


44- Artistic Still Life Challenge, Berlin, Germany (11-1)

Stunning still life shots, whether it’s fruit in a unique composition, a flower pot, a collection of personal items. The exhibition took place in the BBA Circle, Berlin, Germany. Showcasing - January 31st - Feb 2nd, 2020.

My selected photo is available following this link.


45-46- Minimalism Challenge and My Exhibition Shot Challenge, Barcelona, Spain (7-1)

This challenge was all about Minimalism. As one of the most prominent movements in modern photography, Minimalism uses as little as possible to express as much as possible. Use lines, color, or perspective to capture a powerful message using as little as you can!

The exhibition took place in the Valid world hall, Barcelona, Spain, February 13-15, 2020.

Once again, if you follow this link for the Minimalism Challenge and this link for the My Exhibition Shot photo.


47-48- Creative composition Challenge and Photographer Of The Year Challenge, Lisbon, Portugal (16-1)

From staged still-life shots to conceptual digital techniques, to a stunning angle. The coveted, once a year title of ‘Photographer Of The Year’, this special open themed exhibition challenge! 
Displayed at the Espaço Espelho D'agua, in Lisbon, PortugalThe elegant double opening night will take place on Feb 21st
My Creative Composition photo was this photo and this photo for the Photographer of the Year exhibition. 


49- The ART OF B&W Challenge, Milan, Italy (10-1)

Take on the theme of ‘The ART OF B&W’. Explore the power of contrast and tone in this challenging photo competition! Remember to keep it sharp, artistic and of course dramatic! Photos were displayed at one of Europe’s most sought after photo fairs, in the heart of Milano, Italy, the world-famous MIA Photo Fair at the Piazza Lina Bo Bardi, an internationally renowned architectural gem, found in one of Europe’s most stunning cities!
Exhibition opening event - March 19th - and until the 22nd, at Milano, Italy

As always, here is the link to my displayed photo.


50- The Beauty of the Earth Challenge, Athens, Greece (1-1)

The ‘Beauty of Earth’! From endless landscapes to the miracle of life and bustling world around us. The shots showcased live at the Blank Wall Gallery in historical Athens, Greece! The exhibition will take place - Feb 28th - March 1st, 2020.

Once again, here is my exhibited photo.


51-52- Borders Challenge, and My Exhibition Shot Challenge, Melbourne, Australia (14-5)

This theme is all about exploring the lines and borders that separate humanity both metaphorically as well as physically.and the ‘My Exhibition Shot’ photo challenge is about our best and greatest photo. 

This work is to be showcased in the stunning Laurent Gallery, Melbourne. opening night to take place on April 9th and the exhibition will end on April 11th 2020.

And here is my displayed photo of Borders and here is the My Exhibition Shot photo.


53- Powerful Lighting Challenge, Berlin, Germany (11-1)

Using any one light source you can, show us you can take a powerful photo that makes your subject pop out! Focus on drama and atmosphere in this challenge to exhibit at the BBA Circle in Berlin, Germany. Exhibition to take place on Apr 17-19, 2020.

Once again, you can access my displayed photo by using this link.




Danald Wilkins(non-registered)
Agree with you that you make it sensible in all the ways.
Danald Wilkins(non-registered)
Agree with you that you make it sensible in all the ways.
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